All New Franklin Twp Library – Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor,

A big bright rainbow now arches over the Franklin Township library, anchored on one end by Natalie Niziolek, the new Director, and the all-embracing friendly staff at the other end. This was highlighted during a computer familiarization class conducted by Ms. Niziolek last Tuesday who was very instructive, yet extremely patient with one particular senior citizen who was awkwardly familiar with desktops and laptops. It didn’t take long for Natalie to bring him up to speed.   The all new revamped and upgraded library surely has the Welcome Mat out and members of the community as well as those folks already registered in the county-wide library system are urged to take advantage all that the library is offering, including events for adults, teens and younger kids; an upgraded computer lab; self checkout; an activity room for crafts, group book discussions and board games; a meeting room for the many other programs offered by the library; and, of course, a staff more than willing to assist those in need of information.   WiFi is also freely available for those who prefer not to use available data on their laptops, notebooks and cell phones.   The library hours are 10AM to 8PM, Monday through Thursday; 10AM to 5PM on Friday; and, 10AM to 4:30PM on Saturday. The library is closed Sundays.   The next class, open to the public, is Internet Basics scheduled for March 22, from 2 to 3:30 in the afternoon. Since seating is limited, registration is required. If you’re interested in how to navigate the Internet, don’t hesitate to sign up.   Just as a rainbow colors our world, color yours at the “all new” Franklin Township Library.

Dick Brooks FreethinkingOpinionist©

Franklin Twp. (Gloucester County NJ)

