Robert (Bob) Murphy- Obituary

Robert (Bob) Murphy, Sr. Age 68, of Clayton, NJ, passed away on January 31, 2021. Originally from S.W. Phila, attended Our Mother of Sorrows, Most Blessed Sacrament, graduated from John Bartram High School, and served his country as a U.S. Army Veteran. Moved to Clayton in 1987 with his wife, Roseann, and a blended family of 4 children. Bob had a life-long career in building maintenance, engineering, and property management. He was a “jack-of-all-trades” and eager to help everyone, which offered mega opportunities to spread his smile and good nature around town and throughout South Jersey.

An avid bowler for years who had a humble spirit; so, most of his trophies and winning patches were tucked away in a drawer or a box somewhere in the house, along with fond memories of good friends, good times, and great food at the banquets. As a member of First Baptist Church, he served as Head Usher for several years and was totally involved with various children’s ministries from early on. His nursery volunteer schedule didn’t last too long, he always had a cold by Monday morning after wiping too many “runny noses”. He enjoyed Sparky & Awana age children and they enjoyed him as the Lord was pruning Bob to become a wonderful Pop-Pop to an extended family of 11 grandchildren and 8 great-grands. Vacation Bible School was the highlight of the summer. Each year Bob would be the mascot for the themed lesson of the season. A pirate, a crab, Roman Soldier, the Nutty Professor; you name it & he had the outfit.

Along the way, Bob volunteered for Special Events run by Borough Hall and his work ethics/ work experience soon led to him being in charge of the vendors, contracts, etc. for a period of time. His employment with The Hunt Club Association in Washington Township brought his scope of creativity to another level. At the monthly board meetings, the members fondly referred to the updates /reports as Bob’s Hunt Club presentations. He took care of the property for almost sixteen years as though it was his personal responsibility, as well as his pride & joy.

As the children grew older, he shared the blessing of having them help to prepare, serve or deliver Thanksgiving dinners early in the day. After a nap, we had our own family dinner. He was a familiar face at the baseball & football fields for each of their games, and most practices. Until the parents of the rest of the team players got to know him, they would ask “which one is yours”. Summer bowling leagues with the boys kept everyone out of the sun and New Year’s Eve parties kept them off the streets until bedtime.

Bob was a man of God who was devoted to his family, cherished his wife, was a hard worker, a loyal friend and he valued life. A true legacy of a Christian. What a GEM! Gone too soon but we all are a better person for knowing him. Let it bring a smile to your face as his memory lives on and how special he was and have peace in your heart in knowing he is healthy & happy in Heaven with his family & friends who went before him. Most of all he has seen his Savior “Face to Face” and that was his favorite song & the desire in his heart.

Please join us in a Celebration of Life service for him on his birthday, May 12, 2021, at First Baptist Church, 110 S. Delsea Drive, Clayton, NJ 08312 from 1 PM to 3 PM. In lieu of flowers, it would honor him to have donations sent to First Baptist Church in his memory. Blessings to all who have sent condolences, love, and prayers to his family. Sign the guestbook at

