Bill to Fund Critical Dam Repair Passes Assembly -$2.85 million bond for Lake Garrison (Elk/Gloucester County) $3.4 million bond for Camp Crocket (Pilesgrove TwpNJ)
Trenton, NJ – Assembly Dave Bailey, Jr.’s bill appropriating funds for restoration and repair of 17 dams throughout the state of New Jersey, passed the General Assembly on Monday, March 24. Assembly Bill A3951 appropriates over $28 million in unspent funds from 1992 and 2003 bond acts designed to assist private and publicly owned dams in critical condition to finance maintenance projects.
Assemblyman Bailey emphasized how important state funding is for the completion of these projects. “Some of these dams were built over a century ago and desperately need repair. However, these projects are costly and many of the county, municipal, or private lake association owners would struggle to foot the bill. This funding removes that hurdle and makes sure people, communities, and businesses are protected from dam failure.”
Two of the dams are located at lakes in Assemblyman Bailey’s district, Lake Garrison and Camp Crockett. Lake Garrison, located in Elk Township, will receive $2.85 million in bonding while Camp Crockett, formerly known as Camp Kearney and located in Pilesgrove Township, will receive $3.4 million.
A3951 passed the Assembly by a unanimous 76-0 vote. The bill’s Senate counterpart, S2594, passed the upper house last May. It now heads to Governor Murphy’s desk for signature.
“We are lucky to have beautiful lakes here in South Jersey, and this is a commitment to protecting those lakes and the communities that enjoy them,” said Bailey. “We investing in the future and ensuring people can enjoy our natural resources for years to come.”
(Published in The Sentinel of Gloucester County Printed Edition Week of 4/3/2025)