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(Published in Print Edition Sentinel of Gloucester County Week of 6/6/2024)


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM, the Township of Franklin Planning Board (the “Board”) shall hold a public hearing in the Courtroom within the Township of Franklin Town Hall, located at 1571 Delsea Drive, Franklinville, New Jersey 08322, to review and take action upon the application of Newfield (Harding Hwy) DG, LLC (“Applicant”) for preliminary and final major site plan approval and minor subdivision approval (or preliminary and final major subdivision approval, if deemed necessary, together with bulk variance and design waiver/exception relief (the “Application”), with respect to property having a street address of 1444 Harding Highway (US Route 40), in the Township of Franklin, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey, and being designated as Block 7202,Lot 10, on the Tax Map of the Township of Franklin (the “Property”). Applicant proposes to subdivide the Property into 2 lots measuring approximately 10.725 acres (“Proposed Lot A”) and 1.944 acres (“Proposed Lot B”), respectively, and to construct an approximately10,640 square foot retail store to be used as a Dollar General, together with related site improvements, including, but not limited to, parking spaces, signage, lighting, drainage, and landscaping, on Proposed Lot B. Applicant does not propose any new improvements on Proposed Lot A. In connection with the Application, Applicant seeks the following bulk variances and design waivers/exceptions: (i) providing less of a front yard setback on Proposed Lot B than required (30 feet required, 20 feet proposed); (ii) providing more parking between the front yard façade of the building and the primary abutting roadway than permitted (25% of required parking permitted, greater than 25% or required parking proposed); (iii) providing fewer parking spaces than required (43 spaces required, 35 spaces proposed); (iv) providing fewer loading spaces than required (1 required, 0 proposed); (v) providing no sidewalks where same are required; (vi) providing a lesser percentage of landscaping within the parking lot than required (10% required, less than 10% proposed); (vii) providing building facades in excess of 100 linear feet with no projections or recesses along at least 20% of the façade length where same is required; and (viii) providing smooth faced CMU as a primary exterior material where same is not permitted. Applicant also seeks any additional exceptions, waivers, design waivers, variances, interpretations, de minimis exceptions, modifications of conditions of prior approvals, continuation of any preexisting nonconforming conditions, and other approvals reflected on the filed plans (as same may be further amended or revised from time to time without further notice) as may be determined to be necessary during the review and processing of the Application by the Board and its professional staff. When the Application is called, interested parties may appear at the public hearing or any adjournment thereof either in person or by attorney, ask questions, present evidence and offer statements or documentation that may be relevant to the Application. The public hearing may be continued without further notice on such additional or other dates as the Board may determine. At least 10 days prior to the public hearing, the Application, maps, plans, and related supporting materials will be available for public inspection in the office of the Board within the Township of Franklin Town Hall, located at 1571 Delsea Drive, Franklinville, New Jersey 08322. Interested parties wishing to inspect the Application, maps, plans, and related supporting materials may contact the Board Secretary either by phone at (856)694-1234, during regular business hours, or by email to in order to schedule an appointment to do so.

Sara R. Werner, Esq.

Attorney for Newfield (Harding Hwy) DG, LLC, Applicant

​Prime & Tuvel

14000 Horizon Way, Suite 325

Mount Laurel, New Jersey 08054

Phone: (856) 273-8300



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