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Public Notices- Borough of Glassboro NJ – Contract Award/Tow Operators; Contract Award/Pelligrino Chevrolet; Intro Ord 24-30; Ord 24-30

NOTICE OF CONTRACT AWARD The Borough of Glassboro has awarded contracts without competitive bidding, as professional services (or extraordinary unspecified services) pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5.1(a), or pursuant to its fair and open process for the following professional or extraordinary unspecified services, consistent with the time and provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5.1(a) et seq. The contracts are available for public inspection in the office of the Municipal Clerk of the Borough of Glassboro. AWARDED TO SERVICES AMOUNT Paul’s Service Center Tow Operators Per Contract on file in the & Towing 2024 and 2025 Clerk’s Office Resolution R: 259-24 Adopted 10/03/2024 Steve’s Auto Body & Repair Tow Operators Per Contract on file in the Resolution R: 259-24 2024 and 2025 Clerk’s Office Adopted 10/03/2024

NOTICE OF INTRODUCTION ORDINANCE # 24 – 30 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BLOCK 361, LOTS 5 AND 5.03 WITHIN THE BOROUGH OF GLASSBORO, COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER, STATE OF NEW JERSEY TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced at a meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Glassboro held on Tuesday, October 8, 2024, and was then read for the first time. The said Ordinance will be further considered for final passage by the said Mayor and Council at the Municipal Building, 1 South Main Street, Glassboro, New Jersey, at a meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at which time and place, or any time and place to which such meeting may be adjourned, all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning such Ordinance. BY ORDER of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Glassboro. BOROUGH OF GLASSBORO KAREN COSGROVE, RMC Municipal Clerk

ORDINANCE 24 – 30 BOROUGH OF GLASSBORO AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR BLOCK 361, LOTS 5 AND 5.03 WITHIN THE BOROUGH OF GLASSBORO, COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER, STATE OF NEW JERSEY WHEREAS, the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1, et seq., as amended and supplemented (“Redevelopment Law”), provides a process for municipalities to participate in the redevelopment and improvement of areas in need of redevelopment or rehabilitation; and WHEREAS, on February 3, 2003, in order to facilitate the development, redevelopment, and rehabilitation of the Borough of Glassboro (the “Borough”), the Borough Council (“Borough Council”) adopted Resolution R-59-03, which designated the entirety of the Borough as an area in need of rehabilitation, which included Block 361, Lots 5 and 5.03 (the “Project Area”), pursuant to the Redevelopment Law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7, a governing body may adopt, revise or amend a redevelopment plan; and WHEREAS, in order to facilitate the development and rehabilitation of the Borough, the Borough has prepared a redevelopment plan dated September 23, 2024, entitled “Redevelopment Plan, Block 361, Lot 5 and 5.03 in the Borough of Glassboro” (the “Redevelopment Plan”); and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Plan provides a broad overview for the planning development, redevelopment, and rehabilitation of the Borough for purposes of improving conditions within the Borough; and WHEREAS, the Borough Council had determined that it is in the best interest of the Borough to adopt the Redevelopment Plan to effectuate the redevelopment of the Project Area; and WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7, the governing body referred the attached Redevelopment Plan to the Planning Board (“Planning Board”) for review and approval following introduction and first reading; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board approved and recommended adoption of the Redevelopment Plan by the Borough Council which shall be considered the report of the Planning Board to the Borough Council as required by N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7(e); and WHEREAS, the Borough Council has reviewed and accepted the recommendations of the Planning Board and determined it to be in the best interest of the Borough to adopt the INTRODUCTION: 10-08-2024 PUBLIC HEARING: 11-26-2024 Redevelopment Plan to effectuate redevelopment and rehabilitation within the Borough and specifically Block 361, Lots 5 and 5.03; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Glassboro as follows: Section 1. The aforementioned recitals are incorporated herein as though fully set forth at length. Section 2. The Borough Council declares and determines that the redevelopment plan entitled “Redevelopment Plan, Block 361, Lot 5 and 5.03 in the Borough of Glassboro” for the Borough of Glassboro, dated September 23, 2024, (“Redevelopment Plan”) meets the criteria, guidelines, and conditions set forth in N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-7, provides realistic opportunities for the development and rehabilitation of the Borough and specifically the Project Area, and is otherwise in conformance with N.J.S.A.40A:12A-1 et seq. Section 3. The Borough Council hereby accepts the recommendations of the Planning Board and adopts the attached Redevelopment Plan for the Borough of Glassboro, specifically Block 361, Lots 5 and 5.03. Section 4. The Borough Council shall have, be entitled to, and is hereby vested all power and authority granted by the aforementioned statutory provisions to effectuate the Redevelopment Plan. Section 5. The Redevelopment Plan shall be an overlay to other local development regulations as set forth in the Redevelopment Plan and the Borough Zoning Map is hereby amended to conform with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan. The Redevelopment Plan zoning shall only be available to an applicant, property owner, developer, or redeveloper that has an executed Redevelopment Agreement with the Borough to the extent set forth therein. Section 7. All prior redevelopment plans governing the Property are hereby repealed and ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. Section 8. In the event any clause section or paragraph of this Ordinance is deemed invalid or unenforceable for any reason, it is the intent of the Borough Council that the balance of this Ordinance remains in full force and effect to the extent it allows the Borough Council to meet the goals of the Ordinance. Section 9. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately after final adoption and publication according to law. BOROUGH OF GLASSBORO ______________________________ John E. Wallace III, Mayor INTRODUCTION: 10-08-2024 PUBLIC HEARING: 11-26-2024 Attest: ___________________________ Karen Cosgrove, Borough Clerk

NOTICE OF CONTRACT AWARD The Borough of Glassboro has awarded contracts without competitive bidding, as professional services (or extraordinary unspecified services) pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5.1(a), or pursuant to its fair and open process for the following professional or extraordinary unspecified services, consistent with the time and provisions of N.J.S.A. 40A:11-5.1(a) et seq. The contracts are available for public inspection in the office of the Municipal Clerk of the Borough of Glassboro. AWARDED TO SERVICES AMOUNT Pellegrino Chevrolet 2024 Silverado 4WD Not to exceed $49,598.75 Resolution R: 265-24 Adopted 10/08/2024 Bergen County Co-op #BC-BID-24-43-COOP

Above Ord Published in The Sentinel of Gloucester County Newspaper Week of 10/17/2024 Printed Edition –



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