Borough of Clayton, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey
Three young residents of Clayton, Nathan (Nate) Wiseburn, Gerald Santa Cruz and Chase Dahl were recognized at Clayton’s Council meeting on Thursday evening, March 13th by Clayton Mayor Tom Bianco and Council members with a Proclamation to recognize their Heroism in locating a lost child that was reunited with their parents.
On Friday, February 28th, the three young men were playing basketball at dusk at Autumn Pasquale Park in Clayton. The temperature was cold and dropping as it was getting dark when they noticed that the police had arrived at the park and they learned that they were investigating a missing three-year-old child. The three friends immediately jumped in to assist the police and located the child, who thankfully was unharmed.
“Nate, Gerald and Chase showed great concern and kindness in voluntarily helping to look for the child. These three friends are to be applauded for their quick response in aiding the police,” stated Mayor Bianco. “Their compassionate response that evening and caring for the well-being of a stranger is a rare trait and we commend and acknowledge their heroic actions.
(Photograph by Cindy Merckx/Sentinel of Gloucester County Newspaper Editor 3/13)