Gloucester County Brines Roads; Code Blue Activated

Press Release from GC

(Clayton) – The Gloucester County Department of Public Works was busy brining emergency routes, overpasses and major county roadways this morning (12/5) before the snowfall began. The Public Works Department generally will not plow roads until there is upward of two inches of snow on the ground. They may spread salt on overpasses and icy areas, and when necessary push slush off the roadways.

In response to the National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast the Gloucester County Office of Emergency Response has implemented its Code Blue Plan. Given that the forecast currently predicts temperatures/conditions necessitating Code Blue accommodations be available throughout the night, the “First Call for Help” arrangements are listed below.

Damminger said, “We have been working with our local community partners on this plan to provide information, and potentially direct assistance, to those homeless in their communities in need of, and receptive to, shelter from the elements.”

Gloucester County Code Blue Homeless Hotline 1-(800) 648-0132. The First Call for Help, Homeless Hotline is staffed 24 hours/day throughout the week. The above toll -free Homeless Hotline contact number is the designated entry point for all Code Blue shelter placements for residents of Gloucester County.


