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Washington Twp: Lorraine Newman and her incredible business, American Title Abstract Corp, embody the essence of service, dedication, and hard work. What makes their story even more remarkable is the legacy carried on by Lorraine’s son, Scott Newman. For over 50+ years, they have not only served the people of Washington Township and beyond but also contributed significantly to their community.

Scott’s return to the business, alongside his son, paints a beautiful picture of a family devoted to their craft and community. His tenure as a Councilman speaks volumes about his commitment, and his willingness to offer support and guidance is deeply cherished on a personal level.

In a world often filled with hustle and bustle, the Newmans stand as a beacon of genuine care and unwavering dedication. Their story resonates profoundly, reminding us all of the power of hard work, family, and giving back. It’s not just a business; it’s a heartfelt legacy that continues to touch lives, and for that, we are truly grateful!



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